Noosa Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Society Inc.
(Noosa AH&I Society Inc or Noosa Show Society)
The name of the incorporated Society is the Noosa AH&I Society, and is also known as the Noosa Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Society or Noosa Country Show Society or simply The Noosa Show Society. The Society was formed in 1909 to provide an outlet for the community to promote their achievements and display their produce.
The objects of the Society are:
The encouragement of poastoral, horticultural and industrial interests.
The promotion of community entertainment activities such as the Noosa Country Show.
The improvement of the public facility known as the Pomona Showgrounds.
The promotion of sporting and recreational activities.
[A full copy of our constitution is available on request.]
Unlike many other Society's our grounds at Pomona are wholly owned by the Society. The buildings within the grounds include Squash Courts, Tennis Courts, and Pony Club Sheds which have been constructed on land leased from the Society.
We also have a Caravan Park that is wholly owned and run by the Society.
> More information about our Caravan Park [link to caravan park website]

The grounds and facilities are maintained for the community by the members of the Society on a voluntary basis, and with the help of some part-time employees.
All funds raised by Society members from the caravan park, camping, hire, grants, or fundraising activities are used to keep the Society financially bouyant.
Members of the community use the grounds for a range of recreational activities, from walking their dogs to playing footy on the oval, and we hire the facilities to groups wanting to have their special event at a local venue.
> More about our facilities and opportunities to hire
We encourage residents of the greater Noosa area to become members of the Society and to embrace our "where town meets country" philosophy.
> More about becoming a Member of the Society